Friday, 4 November 2011

LIIAR analysis of my college magazine

Language-This magazine shows a lot of conventions of a typical college magazine. It has a skyline, a splash, features, a main image, thumbnail images relating to a feature, a caption; it has a house style with a specific colour scheme and a puff. All these conventions make it appropriate for a college magazine, it also recognised as a college magazine by having these conventions. The image is also portrait which is also typical.
Institution- This is a college magazine published by Wyke College this means that the distributor would be Wyke College. Wyke College would be in charge of features printed and how they distribute it. The image relates to a student at Wyke College so makes it more relevant to the institution of Wyke College.

Ideology- The magazine is aimed at college students, the model is smiling which makes the college look like a happy, friendly environment. As the model is holding books which could mean that the college is a place for work and they take punctuality and hard workers seriously. The use of books shows that the college is a place of learning and identifies it to people who wouldn’t know college was a place of learning. The use of the skyline ‘Wyke Your Path to Successful Learning’ this creates a positive learning environment for Wyke and helps the students to feel happy that this college will give them a bright and happy future. The magazine also has a thumbnail image which relates to the feature about sport, I thought a feature about sport would attract the male audience. The use of a purple font colour was to make the magazine bright and stand out it also gives it that teenaged feel and a bright colour would make students feel happy and welcomes them to the new college magazine. The magazine also features a house style which could give the magazine a feel of consistency as a well issued magazine, the use of consistent colours and fonts could give the feel that this magazine will be consistent month by month and will be published consistently.

Audience- My audience is for students who study at Wyke, the main age group is 16-19 years old as this is the age range for students at Wyke College. I tried including features which would relate to teenage problems such as ‘What to wear for a party’ or ‘revision’ all these features relate to student life, worries of exams and how to revise and also things like social events make this magazine appropriate for my target audience. The magazine was also aimed at a target audience of groups who are outer-directed – belongers, emulators, achievers; students at Wyke fit into this category as there achievers in the sense the want to achieve the best possible grade at A Level, there ‘belongers’ because they belong to the college and the environment within the college. Students are also ‘emulators’ in the sense they copy styles, fashion trends and look up to or in a sense copy the previous year in trying to succeed a better grade then the previous year. Students are also outer-directed because they will always or most often listen to a teacher or student, this means someone will make the decision for them or at least guide them in there decision making; whether an essay or discussion is class they will always follow the popular majority of the vote. My magazine is aimed at these points and highlights them through the conventions.

Representation- The magazine is aimed at both genders (male and female) however I think the image will mostly attract females instead of both genders, it gives the idea that this magazine is only for girls when in fact the image should have been of both genders. Also this magazine uses a purple font which could be change to a unisex colour rather than going with a colour which is generally dominated by females.  The image also doesn’t show stereotypes in which we have in society. It shows one aspect of stereotypes instead of a wide range, this may also put the audience of buying the magazine. However the model is smiling connotation that she is happy to be at the college and happy with the college environment. The text in the magazine is positive with gives of a positive feel about the college.

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